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Our Philosophy

Design is not only appearance, Design can be the solution to many fashion industry challenges

Walk Smarter and Live Better

Common to luxury and fast fashion, overproduction is one of the worst and most striking paradoxes of the fashion industry.

It is a real cruelty to witness the destruction of clothing but it is even more unpleasant and irritating to recognize that the giants of luxury destroy invented items so as not to end up in the “wrong hands” with the sole purpose of feeding the illusion of a completely artificial exclusivity.

For the rest of the world, which is not luxury, overproduction means guaranteeing better earnings. Ordering more goods and then disposing of them when not needed saves time, money and simplifies logistics management.

In response to the dark sides of the fashion world, movements as slow-fashion and approaches as on demand-production and zero-waste were born. However sometimes it seems that, instead of affirming sustainability as a true economic and production trend, we want to turn it in a new form of exclusivity given the prices of the proposed goods.

The strength of Design lies in the possibility to connect look and matter, then its Challenge must be the ability to fulfill aspect’s variability together with customer’s demand.

This is the reason why we started from the concept of a customizable product, without stocks in our warehouse as long as it could be produced and shipped in a few days from the order confirmation.

Moreover we are convinced that if a product is not sold it will never be sustainable, regardless of how it have been produced. And in order to be sold, a product must satisfy a whole series of market-related requirements, first of all is, probably, the delivery time.

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Camil & St John is a brand focused on shoes manufacturing with a particular aim relevant to digital transformation, sustainability and improvement of customer satisfaction.

Thanks to a new approach adopted in the production process it will be possible to buy a new and personalized pair of shoes as in a classical online shop.

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Via dell’Artigianato 13/15,
3003, Vigonovo (VENEZIA)

T. +39.3773.09.5050E. contact@camilstjohn.com